Direct Download links New
Download BULLETSTORM.mdx | 7096.38MB |
Download Crack.rar | 5.32MB |
OR Download from Mediafire
Size : ( ~ 7.9 GB )
FairLight Cr@ck Fix 2:
Skidrow Cr@ck:
Pass: tooth
** If using a Cr @ ck of FairLight that game crashes, you should use the Crack SKIDROW, be sure that after copying the file to the Win32 folder, do not forget to delete the last file was copied from xlive.dll FairLight home.
** If you use Crack of FairLight critical of using Crack SKIDROW, you have to delete files you copied from FairLight xlive.dll mà Crack folder to Win32.
** If using a Cr @ ck of FairLight that game crashes, you should use the Crack SKIDROW, be sure that after copying the file to the Win32 folder, do not forget to delete the last file was copied from xlive.dll FairLight home.
** If you use Crack of FairLight critical of using Crack SKIDROW, you have to delete files you copied from FairLight xlive.dll mà Crack folder to Win32.
Product Key: 00000-00000-00000-00000-00000
How to Crack:
1) Download Crack.
2) Unzip the file and copy 2 xlive.dll ShippingPC-StormGame and paste into the folder in the directoryWin32 Binaries folder of the game.
** Default: "drive: \ EA \ Bulletstorm \ Binaries \ Win32"
_Vay Was playing okay.
Use Update
1) Download the rar file.
2) Extract folder Title Update
3) Delete the file in the directory StromGame.exe.zdp ShippingPC-Win32
4) Delete the file in the directory Zdp ZdpConfig the Win32 folder
**** Default: "drive: \ EA \ Bulletstorm \ Binaries \ Win32 \ Zdp"
5) Copy the Title Update folder on the Win32 folder of the game (Remember to copy the whole rather than copy a few files in the home)
6) At the Title Update folder in the Win32 folder home, then run the setup file to install and play.