BitDefender Internet Security 2013

Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013 is an easy to install tool that offers strong browsing protection to your PCs. The most capable antivirus engine in the program provides protection against viruses, malware, spyware and other existing and new viruses. The antivirus delivers effective on demand and real-time protection.
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The highlighted feature of the edition being the Safely (vitalized browser) which is designed to protect your payment data while banking or shopping online. Whenever you do online shopping or banking, the antivirus tool automatically opens a secure browser which prevents your payment data being hacked or stolen.
The installation process that includes step by step instructions is easy to perform. The minimalistic user interface is quite elegant. There is help available 24/7 on Bitdefender’s end via phone, email or online live chat in case you need.  But for times when you need additional assistance or support with a specific problem, help is available 24/7 via phone, email or online live chat.
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013 has excellent features. The Autopilot feature in the tool helps the application make security related choices automatically without prompting you. No alerts, no pop ups, no configurations. Isn’t that hassle free?.
 Bitdefender Antivirus identifies when you insert a flash drive and does the scanning automatically. The module web traffic is scanned and intercepted by the cross-browser feature before it touches the sctual browser. Hence your browser has strong protection against spyware, malware and other viruses. The antivirus offers effective protection from all kinds of internet threats and also social media threats.
Whether you stand among the most advanced users who handle technical processes manually or simple internet users who want a ready solution for their web protection, Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013 is the ideal choice. Given the enticing price, superior performance and the easy to use programs, Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013 is a top rated antivirus tool.
Minimal system requirements:
  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (32 bit) , Vista (SP2), Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1), Microsoft Windows 8
  • CPU: 800MHz processor
  • Memory (RAM):
    • 1 GB
  • Available free hard disk space: 1.8 GB free space (at least 800 MB on the system drive)
Recommended system requirements:
  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (32 bit), Vista (SP2), Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1), Microsoft Windows 8
  • CPU: Intel CORE Duo (1.66 GHz) or equivalent processor
  • Memory (RAM):
    • 1 GB (Microsoft Windows XP)
    • 1.5 GB (Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows 8)
  • Available free hard disk space: 2.8 GB free space (at least 800 MB on system drive)
Software requirements:
  • Internet Explorer 7 and higher
  • .NET Framework 3.5 (automatically installed by Bitdefender if necessary)
Supports/Integrates with:
  • Firefox 3.6 and higher
  • Thunderbird 3.0.4
  • Outlook 2007, 2010
  • Outlook Express and Windows Mail on x86

Download Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013

BitDefender Internet Security 2013 

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