Micro Trend HijackThis

HiJackThis antivirus from Trend Micro is a small open source program that scans the vulnerable parts of the system and helps you fix them. As soon as you start the scan, HiJackThis antivirus starts listing out several items for your perusal.
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You can check the details of the suspicious entries by selecting the entry and clicking the Info. Although it provides the list of files it does not provide information about the flagged entry and the only way to check them is through web resources.
Some of the new features of the software include the Config window and ADS spy tool. Although the software lists out the contents of vital areas such as Registry and hard drive, you need to distinguish between the authorized users and hijackers. The software is being updated periodically to detect and remove hijacks. Since it targets the different ways by which hijackers operate, there are possibilities of false positives and it is advisable that you need to use the tool only if you are sure about the listed entry. The tool could really be a worthy asset in the hands of professionals. If you are knowledgeable and interested in perfecting the tool the source code can be downloaded and modified as per the open source terms and conditions.

Download HiJackThis

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